1. Packet microscope.
5. See 49 down.
7. Movie, 1980s.
9. 0x90 0x90 0x90…
a. Configures firewall.
d. Linux network hook.
f. Stateful firewall (abbr).
13. See 49 down.
14. Secure remote login (abbr).
16. Wireless protocol.
18. Kevin's art.
1a. OCaml dialect.
1b. _____ Computer Club.
1c. Bug discovery technique.
1f. Write once, read never.
20. Movie, 1980s.
21. Type of flaw.
23. Bit of derring-do.
25. Hunter2.
27. Swap cyber keys.
28. Remaps addresses (abbr).
29. Send ______ your resume!
2a. Friends with 2b down.
2b. Hocus-pocus.
2e. CVE-2014-1266.
30. Pet name. Also an alliance (abbr).
31. Co-discovered the tickle attack (first name).
33. Greek dog. Also a protocol.
36. Crypto agreement.
38. Device providing crypto.
3a. Drinking age in Italy.
3c. Hot barrier.
40. Stateful firewall.
41. A correct way to handle passwords.
44. y ² = x ³ + ax + b .
46. Atbash of 2e across.
47. Conference.
48. Magazine.
4a. Perfect crypto.
4b. Series of anonymous tubes.
4c. Target of Stuxnet (abbr).
4d. "Hello, I have recently come into a large fortune…"
0. Early computer worm.
2. Web vulnerability.
3. Windows forerunner (abbr).
4. 2600.
5. Build backwards (abbr).
6. Security theater (abbr).
8. Former version of e down (abbr).
b. Crypto tender.
c. ... --- ...
d. Group of people who break crypto (abbr).
e. Secures your browsing (abbr).
10. Type of jump.
11. Once you are toast, thrice you are safe.
12. Rot26 of 45 down.
15. CVE-2014-0160.
17. Tomorrow's operations.
18. Little Bobby Tables.
19. Netscape's crypto library (abbr).
1a. Bypasses non-executable memory (abbr).
1d. Required to not be a script kiddie.
1e. Greek present.
21. Part 1: Someone nice. Part 2: poker prize.
22. WWII crypto.
24. Fake login website.
26. Securest operating system.
2a. Type of flaw.
2b. Friends with 2a across.
2c. Intel's latest security feature (abbr).
2d. Movie, 1990s.
2f. Rot13 of 33 across.
32. Pretty good _______.
34. Eavedrops on 2a across and 2b down.
35. CVE-2014-6271.
37. Part 1: -- --- .-. ... . (archaic). Part 2: - ..- ... -.-
39. Source of protein. Also trust model (abbr).
3b. Type of cipher.
3d. Atbash of 23 across.
3e. Config system.
3f. Movie, 1990s.
40. Network boot (abbr).
42. Spying using signal leaks.
43. Author of this challenge (first name).
45. Rot26 of 12 down.
49. Group of people who build crypto (abbr).